Friday, October 2, 2009


Most of you will wonder about the title of my blog.

Here is the reason for the title:

I practice free running, which is a kind of extreme sport,
whose purpose is to run freely in the most aesthetically possible way. There is a big variety of extreme movements and it is practiced in an urban environment, the purpose of which is to advance over  all the obstacles that you find in your own way . From there comes the name of urban free-flow.

Urban free flow, is a community for the lovers of the "Art of displacement". They have their own website and their youtube account, but they have never  had a blog. That's why after school, my purpose is to give administrator privileges to the urban free flow managers.


Ana M. said...

Hi Jon, thank you very much for explaining the title of your blog. I had no idea such a community existed! I think it is great that you are thinking of contributing to your community with your own blog, although, to be honest, I would create an independent blog from your work at school this year. Many of the things you will have to write in your ICT blog will have nothing to do with your hobby, so...

Anonymous said...

This is a very nice video